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146 EC同传|网球历史 History of Tennis

网球历史 原文

网球历史 翻译

从此至彼,不过短短一百五十年间,网球的发展历程非凡。实际上,涉及球类的游戏已存在数千年,但直至中世纪,网球因国王们的参与而变得盛行。十四世纪的网球,被称为真网球、宫廷网球等,一些皇家网球场至今仍然存在。如位于英国伦敦的这个网球场,曾是英王亨利八世的娱乐之所。十九世纪中叶,网球的热度下降。但随后,英国陆军上校温菲尔德通过结合早期网球运动的规则和装备,推出了盒装网球套件,使得维多利亚时代的富人能够在自家草坪上享受此项运动。From this to this, in less than 150 years, the development of tennis has been a remarkable story. Games involving people hitting a ball back and forth have existed for thousands of years but it was only in medieval times that the sport of Tennis became popular, largely because kings played it. The kind of tennis played in the 1400s and 1500s is today known as real tennis, royal tennis or court tennis. And there are still some courts in existence such as this one here at Hampton Court Palace near London, home in 1500 to England’s Henry VIII, the king with the six wives. By the mid 19th century the popularity of the tennis had waned, but then a resurgence was sparked by a British army major, Walter Wingfield. Winfield combined the rules and equipment of early racquet sports to market a boxed set that meant tennis could be enjoyed by wealthy Victorians on their manicured lawns which were seldom used for more than the occasional afternoon stroll.
他将这项运动命名spheristici,这个名称未能流传下来,但“草地网球”这一称呼却得以保留。不久后,温布尔登举办了首届锦标赛,十年内,美国公开赛的前身也随之出现。He called his invention spheristici after the Greek for ball games. The name didn’t stick but his explanation lawn tennis did and the effect was dramatic. Within five years Wimbledon had staged its first championships and within 10 the forerunner to the US Open had begun.
在草难以生长的地方,人们使用碎砖瓦制成的红土场地,如今的法国公开赛就主要使用这种场地。In places where grass couldn’t grow well enough to play lawn tennis an alternative surface evolved made from crushed roof tiles. That clay surface is used today throughout the world notably at Roland Garros home of the French Open.
随着时间的推移,网球在二十多个国家流行开来,四大满贯和戴维斯杯的前身赛事如火如荼地进行。为了更好地规范这项运动,人们于1913年在巴黎成立了国际网球联合会。40 years after Wingfield marketed his boxes, tennis was being played extensively in more than 20 countries and the precursor tournaments of The Four Majors and The Davis Cup were in full swing. To help manage the sport’s growth and establish a set of global rules, the International Lawn Tennis Federation was launched in Paris in 1913.
第一次世界大战使网球的发展暂时停滞,但战后又迅速复兴,Bill Tilden、Suzanne Longlen、Helen Wills、René Lacoste、Ellsworth Vines、Fred Perry、Don Budge等人成为了网球界的明星。The First World War put a stop to tennis’ growth, but not for long. After the war, it thrived with charismatic personalities such as Bill Tilden, Suzanne Longlen, Helen Wills, René Lacoste, Ellsworth Vines, Fred Perry, Don Budge and many others, all becoming celebrities in the Sport of Tennis.
然而,网球的管理者认为网球是业余运动,而顶尖运动员希望能通过比赛谋生,因此,他们纷纷转为职业球员。Here, however, was the greatest phenomenon of the 20s. But there was a problem. The guardians of tennis saw the sport as amateur, yet the top players wanted to earn a living from their efforts. And one by one, they turned professional.
在此后的四十年间,网球界被业余运动员和获得报酬参加表演赛的著名前冠军球员所分割,但有一个公开的秘密:一些国际网球组织私下给业余球员支付报酬以参赛。这个时期产生了“假业余主义”。For the best part of 40 years, the tennis world was split between the amateurs playing the traditional tournaments and the famous former champions being paid to play exhibition matches. Yet it was an open secret that some national associations paid their top player under the while they continued to win Grand Slam and Davis Cup titles. It created the phenomenon of that era known as Shamaturism.
美国最终以四比一胜出。The final score four to one in favor of the United States.
到了1967年,温网意识到,若要让最佳球员参与,就必须允许他们进入锦标赛,不久后,业余赛和职业赛融合。1968年5月,在巴黎举行的首个开放时代的大满贯赛事,标志着网球进入了繁荣时期,出现了许多创新。比赛引入了彩色服装,球拍技术和材料也得到了改进,新一代明星如Rod Laver、Billy Jean King、Arthur Ash、Chris Ebert、Illy Nastasi、Jimmy Connors、Bjorn Ball、Martina Narasilova、John McEnroe等人让公众重新认识到了网球的魅力。But all that changed in 1967 when Wimbledon, that bastion of traditionalism, had a realisation. If we want to celebrate the world’s best players, we have to let them play the most prestigious tournaments. Within months, the amateur and professional circuits had merged, tennis went open and the first major of the new open era took place here at Roland Garros in Paris, the First French Open in May 1968. Open tennis unleashed the sport’s boom years. As well as grass and clay, different surfaces were introduced to tournaments. Coloured clothing replaced traditional white. Advances in technology and materials left wooden rackets behind and a A generation of superstars including Rod Laver, Billy Jean King, Arthur Ash, Chris Ebert, Illy Nastasi, Jimmy Connors, Bjorn Ball, Martina Narasilova and John McEnroe brought tennis to a new public.
网球逐渐走向工会化,职业网球协会(ATP)的成立是因为80名球员抵制温布尔登,争取参赛权利的结果。Tennis became unionised. In 1972 the men formed the Association of Tennis Professionals or ATP which in 1973 flexed its collective muscle when 80 players boycotted Wimbledon over the right to decide which tournaments they could play.
女性在七十年代掀起波澜,九位女性球员以一美元签约成为职业球员,她们后来成立了女子网球协会(WTA)。她们还赢了著名的“性别之战”,其中比利·简·金击败了自称“大男子主义者”的鲍比·里格斯,这场比赛吸引了数百万观众。The women had made a splash in 1970 when nine prominent female players broke ranks from the official tour by signing up for one dollar to be contract professionals. In 1973 the original nine as they became known founded the Women’s Tennis Association or WTA. They too had a high-profile battleground, the notorious Battle of the Sexes match later that year, in which Billie Jean King trounced the self -admitted male chauvinist pig Bobby Riggs with millions watching on TV around the world.
随着网球的不断发展和现代化,国际网球联合会的首位职业主席努力将网球重新纳入奥运会项目,为网球在全球范围内带来了资金支持。电视转播覆盖了越来越多的赛事,建造了配备可伸缩屋顶的现代化球场,网球运动员的行为和比赛风格也开始出现变化。There was no limit to the modernization and growth of tennis. The decision by the International Tennis Federation’s first professional president, Philippe Châtrier, to get tennis back into the Olympics opened the door to the sport receiving funding in countries hitherto uninterested in tennis. The television covered more and more tournaments, stadiums were built with retractable roofs and certain tennis behaviour became a little different to what was considered traditional.
球拍技术的进步、营养和健身方法的创新,将职业网球推向了新的高度。男女比赛奖金的平等化、反兴奋剂规定的引入和裁判决定的电子复审,增强了判线的公平性和观众的观赛体验。Advances in rackets, diets and fitness regimes have pushed professional tennis to new competitive heights. Men and women now compete for equal prize money at the major tournaments. Anti-doping regulations have been introduced and electronic review of umpiring decisions has enhanced both the fans experience and the accuracy of line calls.
网球还经历了大流行期间的挑战,在空旷的体育场进行比赛,而数百万人在家中观看。近年来,网球界涌现出了如Roger Federer、Rafael Nadal、Novak Djokovic、Venus 与 Serena Williams等杰出运动员,他们的成就再次提升了网球作为全球受欢迎的休闲运动的地位。Tennis has even had to weather a pandemic, playing in empty stadiums as millions watched at home. And in recent years the sport has been blessed by a remarkable generation, headlined by Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic, Venus and Serena Williams, and many more. That, in turn, has boosted the sport as a recreational activity right across the world.
网球是一项现代运动,但它拥有丰富的历史。热身时彼此尊重地击球、换边时在网边等候、因网前球而道歉的传统,这些都是从过去流传至今的传统。温布尔登是草地网球锦标赛的发源地,这里传统与现代比赛和谐共存,展示了网球既尊重历史又拥抱现代的独特魅力。不到一百五十年的时间里,网球发展迅速,这项不断适应比赛和技术革新的运动,前景无疑非常广阔。Tennis is a modern sport, but one with a rich history. And it’s managed to keep a lot of that history in its current format. Think of customs such as hitting respectfully to each other in the warm -up, standing aside at the net when changing ends, or apologizing for net chords. all have survived from a bygone era. Here at Wimbledon, home of the original lawn tennis tournament, decades of tradition coexist in harmony with the modern game. We’ve come a long way in less than 150 years, without discarding everything from tennis’s past. And the future is bright for a sport for ever showing its ability to evolve and adapt through various playing and techn
146 EC同传|网球历史 History of Tennis
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