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152 CE同传|中印媒体峰会 China-India Media Summit
技巧:点明比喻 原文:中国龙和印度象和谐共处、携手合作、共同发展,将给两国25亿人民带来福祉,给亚洲带来繁荣,给世界带来机遇。 译文:The metaphorical Chinese dragon and Indian elephant are joining forces to uplift their 2.5 billion people, Asia, and beyond.
原文 | 译文 |
第二届中印媒体高峰论坛开幕 蒋建国出席并致辞 | The second China-India Media Summit kicked off, co-hosted by the State Council Information Office of China (SCIO) and India’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. |
由中国国务院新闻办公室和印度外交部联合主办、中国外文局和印度外交部外宣司联合承办 | With additional organization by the China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration and India’s Public Diplomacy Division. |
中国国务院新闻办公室主任蒋建国和印度外交部长斯瓦拉吉出席开幕式并致辞 | Jiang Jianguo, director of SCIO, and Swaraj, India’s Foreign Minister, attended the meeting and delivered keynote speeches. |
两国近40家主要媒体、智库机构和政府部门官员共120余人与会 | Nearly 40 media, think tanks, and government groups participated, totaling around 120 people. |
双方媒体代表围绕如何促进两国战略合作伙伴关系、经济领域合作以及如何应对新媒体发展带来的机遇和挑战进行了交流 | Media representatives discussed enhancing the strategic partnership, boosting economic cooperation, and addressing new opportunities and challenges in media development. |
蒋建国在致辞中说,当前,中印两国都处在发展的关键阶段 | Jiang Jianguo stated that both China and India were experiencing critical periods in their histories. |
中国人民正在为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而奋斗,印度人民也正在全力以赴实现新时期发展目标 | China was striving for national rejuvenation, while India pursued its new development goals. |
中国和印度的民族复兴之梦相互契合。中国愿意把两国人民的美好梦想更加紧密地对接起来 | Their national dreams were interconnected, with China eager to align more closely with India’s aspirations for a prosperous and bright future. |
希望以“一带一路”为双翼,同沿线国家一道实现腾飞 | They also aimed to benefit neighboring countries through the Belt and Road Initiative. |
历史和现实都表明,中印友好合作,对两国人民有利,对世界各国人民有利 | He noted that history and current realities have shown that cooperation benefits not only their own people but also the entire world. |
中国龙和印度象和谐共处、携手合作、共同发展,将给两国25亿人民带来福祉,给亚洲带来繁荣,给世界带来机遇 | The metaphorical Chinese dragon and Indian elephant working together would benefit their 2.5 billion people, Asia, and the entire world. |
近年来,中印关系全面发展,战略互信逐渐增强,利益交融不断加深 | He mentioned that deeper relations between the two countries had strengthened their strategic partnership and interests. |
战略经济对话、财金对话等交流机制日益成熟,务实合作领域不断拓展 | They had developed more solid strategic, economic, and financial dialogue mechanisms thanks largely to media efforts. |
斯瓦拉吉在致辞中说,中印媒体高峰论坛应被视为两国媒体交流合作的一个重要平台 | Swaraj highlighted the forum’s major role in facilitating media exchanges between the two countries. |
随着我们的战略合作伙伴关系在双边层面深化,两国在地区和国际的合作也在不断拓展 | Stating that a deeper strategic partnership implies better teamwork both regionally and globally. |
中印媒体高峰论坛是落实李克强总理2013年访印成果、深化中印人文交流的具体举措 | The summit followed up on Premier Li Keqiang’s 2013 visit to India to deepen people-to-people and cultural communications. |
首届论坛于2013年9月在印度首都新德里举行 | With the first event held in New Delhi, India, in September 2013. |
152 CE同传|中印媒体峰会 China-India Media Summit